严格选材 Strict material selection 绿色环保,一以贯之的坚持
FAMAINI法迈尼地板对原材料要求及其严苛,木材采购时优先考虑通过FSC认证要求的木材供应商,并从中选用优等原料。 FAMAINI flooring gives priority to wood suppliers who have passed FSC certification requirements.
FAMAINI法迈尼地板将欧美国家应用于婴幼儿尿不湿等亲肤日用品,且获得美国FDA认可的兰太尔胶作为地板黏胶剂。 FAMAINI flooring uses the Lantel glue commonly used for baby diapers as the floor glue.
FAMAINI法迈尼地板引进美国PPG油漆,严控有害物质,在VOC、甲醛、苯、重金属等多项指标中实际未测出。 FAMAINI floor adopts American PPG paint which strictly controls harmful substances as coating materials. 德系标准 German standards 任光阴流逝,保持自我本色
FAMAINI法迈尼地板的多项关键指标均优于国家标准,轻松应对日常使用问题。 FAMAINI flooring has many indicators superior to national standards.
FAMAINI法迈尼地板实木材表面漆膜强韧抗刮擦,浸渍纸表面三氧化二铝涂层,耐磨不留白,随意拖动桌椅都不留痕。 FAMAINI floor is tough and scratch resistant, wear-resistant without leaving marks.
FAMAINI法迈尼地板经养生、烘干等工艺稳定木性,独创稳定结构,平衡内应力,锁扣对抗环境变化,拒绝形变。 FAMAINI floor has stable wood property, balanced internal stress and deformation resistance.
FAMAINI法迈尼地板多道渗透漆六面涂覆,内阻甲醛,外抗潮气。不惧黄梅天,不惧日常湿拖,易清洁,易打理。 FAMAINI floor is coated on six sides, not afraid of daily wet mopping, easy to take care of.
FAMAINI法迈尼地板德系品质, 不负每一次信任! FAMAINI floor of German quality, Live up to every trust!