For good sleep
Hit The mute button
生活 半是烟火 半是诗 既要酣畅地感受生活里的热闹 也要享受大美的无声无息 当万籁寂静时 大隐于市也绝不许掺杂异响 地板亦是如此 Life is part firework, part poetry, part joy in the bustle of life, part silence in great beauty, part silence in the city, part noise on the floor
那么地板响声是怎么产生的呢 两块地板间有高低差(虽然肉眼看不到) 只要人踩到地板上 地板上下摩擦产生响动 为了解决地板异响问题 FAMAINI法迈尼 从工艺、辅料、技术多管齐下 只为还您一个安静空间 In order to solve the problem of floor noise FAMAINI from the process, accessories, technology multi-pronged approach only to return you a quiet space.
锁扣精度 超顺滑 The floor was clung to each other
FAMAINI法迈尼采用锁扣连接 让两片地板的紧密相扣 不易发生位移
实木地热 — 番龙眼
FAMAINI法迈尼引进国外高精设备 保证锁扣边缘光滑无毛刺 摩擦系数极低 FAMAINI imported foreign high-precision equipment to ensure smooth edge without burr friction coefficient is very low.
PE静音膜 超吸音 The mute film super absorbs noise
为了获得更为极致的宁静生活 FAMAINI法迈尼 借助专业辅料打造消声系统
实木地热 — 红橡
在地板槽口覆上静音膜 有效避免地板咬合部位木材 直接挤压摩擦产生响声 In the floor groove covered with mute film to effectively avoid the floor bite parts of the wood directly extrusion friction sound.
防潮到位 超正点 Moistureproof in place Super Point
将产品做到100分还不够 将安装做到100分 才能有效解决响声问题
实木地热 — 栎木
FAMAINI法迈尼专业安装 防潮膜重叠封严有效隔绝水汽 不受潮地板不变形 就不易产生异响 FAMAINI professional installation, is not damp floor deformation is not easy to produce abnormal sound.
FAMAINI法迈尼 让家远离白日的喧嚣 就似万顷云海纵然时刻翻涌 依旧美的无声无息 Let home away from the hustle and bustle of the day still beautiful silent.